Rain rain go away

I hate this weather, I hate that you get all muddy and dirty and clammy and wet. But most of all I hate that me and the kids always seem to get sick when the weather is just bleh....

The kids school is on a muddy plot and when it rains, they are confined to a small classroom. I don't like to send them to school on rainy days, they have 13 years of forced school where they have to go to school on rainy days, for now, they stay home on rainy days. This unfortunately poses a challenge for me, I have to keep them busy. So far so good...

We coloured in....

We played with playdough....

(The playdough takes 5 mins to make, and lasts almost forever in terms of playdough years...

We snuggled on the couch and watched movies...
We baked cookies....
Made home made spaghetti...

We played boat in boxes...

Now I'm running out of idea's, Calum is sick and the rain is said to be here for another week an a half. 

HELP !!!!


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